Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife

Unbelievable Accommodations and Amenities

  • Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife calls the sunny southern coast near Adeje home, and we are ready to rock your vacation when you join us for your next getaway in the Canary Islands. Our unique beachfront resort is spread across our Oasis and Nirvana towers, with three sparkling swimming pools spanning the property and recreation area, like our gym, a completely fitted SPA.
    Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife. Not just a hotel, a way of life.

    Lagoon Party

    OPENING 6 June

    Children of the 80’s

    Saturday at Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife

    • 14 March • 11 April
      2 May • 20 June
      18 July • 15 August
      12 September
      17 October
      5 December

    Caricamento delle mappe in corso - restare in attesa...

    Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife 28.121101, -16.775780 (Indicazioni stradali)

  • Avenida de Adeje 300
    Playa Paraíso – Adeje

    Booking & Info
    +34 971 927 691
